
Wili Mobility supports your talents, recruited or transferred, free of charge, in their search for housing throughout France, in order to facilitate professional geographical mobility.
IcĂ´ne d'une malette
Icône représentant une horloge
Created in 2019
Icône représentant un personne
6 employees

The goals
to reach

Facilitate the professional mobility of your talents. Relieve your employees of the stress of looking for housing by entrusting us with their support. By becoming a Wili Mobility partner, you offer your company real added value by facilitating the arrival and employment of your new employees.

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Old Stack

New Stack

The solutions brought

Leur avis compte
pour nous

Presentation of the project

These customer cases
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La Source

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Wyd - Restauration de la présence en ligne et intégration Typeform.
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Focal JMLab - French brand of high-fidelity audio systems.
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